Monday, June 16, 2008

Jamaica 1986

If you're an avid photographer, do you ever look over your earlier work to see how you've changed? Or to compare present technique, style and skill with your past?

I found these in the same box of old photos you see in the previous post. What I've learned from seeing these again is that I've loved sunsets for a long time. I've also learned that editing is sometimes as important as skill; these are the four best shots from at least two rolls of film. Most of the other seventy shots will remain in the box.

Another observation: one of the biggest technological changes in photography isn't really that much of a change. The darkroom. In the film days, the artistic process that began with pressing the shutter button often continued in the darkroom with creative manipulation of selected images. The darkroom has been replaced by Photoshop and a computer, but the idea is mostly the same - additional creative manipulation of a selected image.

Another thing I've learned by seeing these pictures is that landscapes have always been my favorite subjects. I also enjoy event photography and shooting architectural juxtaposition photos (an old building reflected in a modern glass building, for example).

But broad vistas, especially sunsets, are my favorites.

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